Your 3rd sis!

2012 March 31

Created by Kays 9 years ago
Well Scarlett Peaches is now nearly six months old, busy exciting times!. As a newborn, she really had a look of you, at times, which was difficult at times as it brought such strong memories/feeling back, but also magical as it brings the past and future together. Even though we have 3 girlies, we miss our Lola dearly, there should be 4 (and there our hearts). Scarlett, like Darc n Rubes, will grow up talking and thinking abou you, you will always be a massive part of our family life. Darcie asks about you often, and wants to know more as she gets older, she feels sadness that we lost you, but is very proud of you, and always writes your name in cards. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR NEXT SATURDAY, love from your loving family xxxx