James Blunt concert (Carry you home) 08/10/08

2008 October 29

Created by Kays 9 years ago
On Wed 8th Oct this year, myself, Ste & family members went to see James Blunt at the M.E.N Arena (Manchester). We booked this particular concert as the songs (in particular CARRY YOU HOME-from the 'All the lost souls' album) are very meaningful to us- in memory of our beautiful angel Lola. The song 'Carry you home' played in the background that morning in the canteen (at Pendlebury Hospital)- when me & Ste sat in devastation, as we realised that our little fighter was fighting a loosing battle, and we was facing the reality that we may lose our perfect baby girl. As the song played we stared at each other in disbelief, in floods of tears, we didn't need to speak-for the song seemed to be telling the story of what was to be- it was the beginning of our 'darkest hour'. After Baby Lola passed away, we played this song over & over, and it truely felt as though the song had been written 'for and about Lola', we also played this song at Lola's funeral. Although this song & others from the album are very sad- they mean a lot to us and going to hear them sang live at the concert was an overwhelming and special experience in memory of our litle Lola. We all enjoyed it, and we were glad that we went.