Christmas without Lola

2008 December 28

Created by Kays 9 years ago
It didn't feel right this year.. that Christmas was celebrated without our Lola. You never even got chance to spend a single Christmas in this world, yet you should have been 8 & a half months this 1st Christmas. You should have been dressed up all cute & pretty opening your prezzies with your wonderful big Sis Darcie. We always think about what you would be doing, what you would look like now, & how your future should have been. 8 Months later & it still hurts as much & always will, we still miss you as much, and ache when we imagine holding you or seeing you again. You have had such a great impact on our lives, as you will always be so special and important to us. We know that you know that, and we just hope that you are having a magical 1st christmas with all the other angels in heaven, just so sorry & heartbroke that you cant be at ours!. Millions of Christmas kisses to our beautiful little angel Baby Lola, our love will live forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx