Lola's baby Sis

2008 December 30

Created by Kays 9 years ago
Today we went for our 5 month scan (Ste, Darcie & I). Darcie was very excited, stating that it was another Sister, we decided that we would find out the baby's sex this time...a lovely suprise for now, to make this pregnancy feel more real & give us a focus ,it is a difficult time emotionally as it brings out all kinds of mixed feelings such as happiness, guilt, worry, and anger (complicated stuff). All that matters ofcourse is that this baby lives a healthy long life, but we were overjoyed to discover that we will be having another baby Girly, we both had a feeling that it would be another girl, Ste always jokes that he is outnumbered and that he is going to be the only man in a house full of demanding women, he secretely loves it, & we think its right that the girls rule... as did our precious Baby Lola, who was a Daddy's girl from day 1!. We will soon be preparing for the arrival of our 3rd child (due on 18th May 09),who will grow up with so much love for her two big sisters, Big D, & little angel Lola. Lola, you will always be our beautiful second child, just as special & important as our other children. Love you so much always baby girl, Love Mumi, Dadi, Big Sis, and Little Sis in mummy's belly xxxx